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Richardson Olmsted School

Chris Getchell

Bryan Aries
Assistant Principal

 Our Mission

To create a respectful, safe, and inclusive learning community that develops independence, academic excellence, and responsible citizenship.

School Hours

8:25 am Arrival begins

8:40 am Children are considered late

2:56 pm Dismissal for walkers/pick-ups

3:00 pm Dismissal for students taking the bus

11:35 am Half-day dismissal


Proposed RO Playground

This is the design of the New RO Playground. This plan is unanimously supported by the Easton CPA and passed at Town Meeting on May 15th.

North Playground – Olmsted Side

South Playground – Richardson Side

RO School Orientation Videos and Quick Reference Guide

2024-2025 K-5 Student Parent Handbook (To be posted pending school committee approval)

SChool Report Card

Welcome Letters and Supply Lists

 If your child’s teacher has not provided a supply list specific to their classroom, please use the Grade Level list to plan for the upcoming year. 

Grade 3

Mrs. Bray

Grade 4

Grade 4 Supply List

Mrs. Bowers

Ms. Lolonga

Mrs. Kearns & Mrs. Marcus

Mrs. Pastore & Mrs. St. Martin

Grade 5

Grade 5 Supply List


Bus Route Information and Application

If you live within 1.5 miles of our school and would like to ride the bus, please fill out the form! below:

Student Activity Fee Information

In order to help defray/cover the costs of transportation and entrance/registration fees for enrichment activities, the Easton Public School system has been collecting activity fees. Because of these fees, our district is also able to send our students to Sheep Pasture/NRT for enriching outdoor learning throughout the year. It is a valuable and unique learning opportunity for our students.

The elementary fee structure is $45.00 for grades 1-6.

For your convenience, payment can be made through the following website: If you are only able to pay by check, please make the check payable to Easton Public Schools and in the memo, please indicate it is for the student activity fee and include your child’s name. We do not accept any cash payments. Please ensure you do not pay more than once. Unfortunately, the system does not prevent this.

Please do NOT use the MySchoolBucks app. It is not functioning properly at this time.

Please note: Students who are on free/reduced lunch are exempt from this fee.

Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: I’m using my cell phone and I do not see the Activity Fee Link.
A: The MySchoolBucks app does not support all functionality and you will not see the Activity Fee Link. You will need to log in using a computer.

Summer reading & Math