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School Safety Information

Easton Public Schools uses Raptor, which is an electronic visitor management system that has the capacity to instantly access the National Sex Offender Registry of all 50 states. It notifies school staff if a visitor is a registered sex offender. It also has the capacity to alert school officials of any restraining orders or custody issues. This allows for better protection of all students and staff.

In case of an emergency where evacuation is necessary, the system can be accessed remotely to identify any visitors in the building. It also provides more accurate records of school visitors (avoids illegible entries, forgotten sign-outs, etc.). 

More information can be found here or contact the Superintendent’s Office at (508) 205-5900 ext. 12132.

What is RAPTOR, and what are its benefits?

Raptor is an electronic visitor management system that has the capacity to instantly access the National Sex Offender Registry of all 50 states. It notifies school staff if a visitor is a registered sex offender. It also has the capacity to alert school officials of any restraining orders or custody issues. This allows for better protection of all students and staff. In case of an emergency where evacuation is necessary, the system can be accessed remotely to identify any visitors in the building. It also provides more accurate records of school visitors (avoids illegible entries, forgotten sign-outs, etc.)

How does RAPTOR work?

When a visitor enters a building, they will be asked to go to the main office. The visitor’s license will be scanned, and a badge will be printed out for the visitor to wear while in the building.

What is displayed on the printed badge?

The badge will display the visitor’s name, the time and date, their destination, and their license photograph.

What information is being provided to the school?

Other than the visitor’s name and photograph, the last four digits of their license number is used only to distinguish between multiple visitors with the same name. These digits do not show up on the visitor identification badge. No other information is collected (ie: address, Social Security number, physical characteristics, etc.). No copy of the license is made or retained.

Is the data shared with any third parties?

No data is shared with third parties.

Are CORIs still a necessity?

CORIs still need to be completed every three years for anyone who volunteers.