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Vision and Core Values

The vision of the Easton Public Schools is to empower every student and educator to excel, innovate, and thrive within a relevant and rigorous learning environment that is safe, supportive, and inclusive. Through culturally responsive instruction, deep community partnerships, and positive relationships, we strive to nurture curiosity, critical thinking, and resilience, fostering holistic growth and unity for all.

Continuous Growth

● We hold high expectations for ourselves and others
● We know that learning never ends
● We understand that valuable learning can come from mistakes or failure
● We must persevere to reach our goals

Safety and Respect

● We deserve the safest and most supportive learning environment
● We respect the safety and boundaries of others
● We are diverse learners, and all learners can thrive
● We embrace and honor our differences with empathy and understanding

Communication and Collaboration

● We clearly communicate our questions and concerns
● We share our views with respect and with the appropriate source
● We know teamwork is not always easy, but it is worth the effort
● We have a collective responsibility for the education of all children

Leading by Example

● We understand that others are watching and learning from us
● We are all models of integrity and respect
● We are accountable for our own actions and decisions
● We value what we can learn from others

Foundational Transfer Goals

Demonstrate Character
Build positive relationships and make responsible choices that are physically, socially,
emotionally, and intellectually sound.
Exhibit Resilience
Persevere when facing challenges and taking risks.
Communicate & Collaborate
Express ideas in a variety of ways and work responsibly with others.
Embrace Curiosity
Investigate to seek knowledge and truth.
Engage Locally & Globally
Act with respect, empathy, and responsibility in a local and global community.
Think Critically & Innovate
Generate new ideas, make informed decisions, draw conclusions, and solve problems.