Kelly Cavanaugh
Dan Mastrogiacomo
Assistant Principal
TJ Flanagan
Assistant Principal
To report your child will be absent, please email the school attendance account for your child.
The Oliver Ames High School community of faculty, staff, students, parents, and residents believe that in order to fulfill its mission of excellence and equity in education, we must embody the ideals of a comprehensive high school. We will work together to create a safe, nurturing, and stimulating learning environment. Students will become critical learners, problem solvers, and independent thinkers who contribute in many ways to our ever-changing world. We recognize the need for a variety of educational experiences that extend beyond the classroom and promote intellectual curiosity, individual responsibility, and respectful interaction. By achieving goals and overcoming adversity, students will be encouraged to reach their potential and be prepared to assume meaningful roles in society.
Oliver Ames high School News
- Oliver Ames High School Artists Create Award-Winning Works
- Oliver Ames High School Student-Athletes Showcase Public School Sports Talent
- Oliver Ames Volleyball Celebrates Best Overall Record in Program History
- Easton’s Oliver Ames High School Soccer Team Wins 3rd Straight State Championship
- Oliver Ames High School Students Complete First Dual Enrollment Class in Partnership with Middlesex Community College
oA student news
OA Students Will ACCESS Information in a Variety of Ways Including:
A.1 – Actively and critically reading, listening, and observing.
A.2 – Initiating appropriate questions.
A.3 – Conducting independent and collaborative research.
A.4 – Using appropriate technologies to locate and retrieve information.
A.5 – Demonstrating initiative while seeking information.
OA Students Will PROCESS Information in a Variety of Ways Including:
P.1 – Assimilating and organizing information.
P.2 – Recognizing patterns, evaluating trends, and comparisons.
P.3 – Drawing inferences and making conclusions.
P.4 – Quickly responding and adapting to unexpected challenges
P.5 – Creating and designing unique solutions to problems and challenges.
P.6 – Applying and adapting appropriate form and technique for performance tasks.
OA Students Will COMMUNICATE Information in a Variety of Ways Including:
C.1 – Doing, writing, and speaking clearly and purposely for a variety of audiences.
C.2 – Presenting creative projects in a variety of formats.
C.3 – Using technology to present information.
C.4 – Demonstrating leadership while promoting individual and collaborative activities.
OA Students Will DEVELOP Themselves in a Variety of Ways Including:
D.1 – Demonstrating a sense of curiosity by considering alternative perspectives.
D.2 – Gaining a better understanding of their learning process through consistent self-reflection
OA Students Will ACT RESPONSIBLY for Themselves and Others in a Variety of Ways Including:
SC.1 – Working cooperatively and collaboratively.
SC.2 – Respecting and understanding cultural differences.
SC.3 – Participating with a local/global perspective.
OA Students Will ACT RESPECTFULLY to Themselves and Others in a Variety of Ways Including:
SC.4 – Interacting appropriately with all members of the school community.
SC.5 – Honoring school policies and procedures.
SC.6 – Understanding and demonstrating academic integrity.
The School Report Card is an overview published by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. The Report Card includes attendance and testing data about our student population and offers comparisons to the district and the state overall.
Classroom Norms, Etiquette and Expectations
Be Present
Please have your phone/earbuds away and out of sight. WHY? Quite simply, it is the ultimate distraction, so please have them out of sight by having them away during our daily work, unless directed otherwise by a staff member.
Be Prepared
Please be on time to class and ensure your notebook, pen or pencil (and/or Chromebook, if a staff member asks) is out and ready when the bell rings. WHY? Having your materials ready when we transition from the hallway to our daily work ensures minimal disruptions and taking time away from our class.
Be Respectful
Please use appropriate verbal and non-verbal language, tone and volume when addressing your peers and staff while in the building; please be respectful of your peers and staff’s physical space and of the policies that are put in place to keep us all safe. WHY? Our classroom culture needs to be built on respect and trust in order for everyone to succeed and to ensure everyone’s voice is heard in an orderly and respectful way.
Be Productive
Please complete your tasks to the best of your ability and utilize the full time given and keep leaving your classroom to a minimum. This includes the bathroom, filling your water bottle, going to the nurse, etc. WHY? By staying in class, you will not miss any daily work or materials, allowing you to succeed this year.
Be ENGAGEDPlease interact with a person, rather than a device. Discuss with a peer a question about their day or something you are doing in class. Ask a staff member about something in the lesson that you might not understand. WHY? Authentic interactions are valuable and necessary.
Learn collaboratively
Express creativity
Act with integrity
Demonstrate responsibility
Embrace curiosity
Respect each other
Strive for excellence